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jeudi 5 juin 2014

A Mother's Words to Live By

Mother's Day is upon us, and as we celebrate and revel in our appreciation for our mothers, it is a wonderful time to look back fondly along memory lane on some of the many things our mothers gave us in our youth. For most, a person's mother is likely one of the most influential people in their lives, as our mother is often first teacher and advocate. Truly, a mother's love can make all the difference in the world in a person's life. And truth be known, there are as many ways to mother as women to do the job!
Our Mom was a self-taught linguist who would often use phrases to subtly drive home an important and timely point. And there was a certain knowing we all had as to exactly what she meant when she shared these poignant glimpses of wisdom in any given circumstance.
A mother's wisdom is a precious treasure that stays with us throughout our life. Through 'Mom-isms, 'born in simplicity and time tested again and again, a mother's wisdom resonates and infuses truth throughout the generations. Our mother, Virginia, would often speak her truths just at the right time. "A drop of honey is worth more than a cup of vinegar." That is, it is important to be nice to others even and especially in times of difficulty or challenge. "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get" was used to discourage us from putting ourselves, or her, in the position to have to hurry for anything, and "Speed without accuracy is [worth] nothing," was used by Mom to help us slow down and pay attention to details to improve our accuracy. My personal favorite is when mom would say "Birds of a feather flock together" when she had concerns about our chosen peer group. Hard to admit, she was right more often than not with such admonitions.
Mother's Day is, indeed, a wonderful time to reminisce, share and enjoy memories of our mothers. It is a great time to gather family members together for a brunch, lunch, or dinner to create new traditions and memories with Mom. Mother's Day festivities such as taking her on a day trip to a beautiful topiary garden, an art museum, or a weekend getaway to the beach, or other favorite place are other ways to celebrate mom. For the athletic, taking mom for a walk on a fresh spring day, canoeing, kayaking, bicycle riding, bowling, or even bird watching, depending on her interests. For the artistic, creative Mother's Day activities may include taking an art class in pottery or painting, or even giving mom a series of interesting art classes as a special gift.
Most of all, Mother's Day is a time to spend time with Mom, and let her know how special and appreciated she really is. Whether your mom is young, middle aged or in her later years, she is sure to enjoy the gift of time as the best gift of all.
Beth A. Hopkins is a senior advocate, and President and CEO of Life Solutions LLC, home of She may be reached at
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Great Expectations - Is It Ruining Your Romance?

It is always good to have great expectations of just what your life is destined to be like if you are sharing it with the one who is definitely the love of your dreams. Sadly, many people have desires and expectations that can be simply impossible. Whether or not this stems from reading through romance novels in which the dark night realizes the error of his ways and gives in to the Princess's every desire, or from seeing music videos where ladies are hurling themselves at the feet of guys prepared to serve their each and every desire. Maybe you might have watched too many cartoons growing up where the damsel in distress was always saved by the handsome knight in shining armor, then lived happily ever after.
As a culture, we are providing mixed messages concerning fantasy and reality and it is wrecking more than its fair share of relationships. If you were wanting your life to become a fairy tail, in which nothing ever bad happens, when your relationship has become a bitter letdown because it isn't meeting up to your own expectations here are some points that may help.
You Will Only Take Out What You Invest
A romance takes energy. If you happen to be merely standing there expecting somebody else to allow you to be satisfied, it probably will likely not happen. You have to BE happy. You must put in the effort to make your romance the best that it can be with that person you've selected to be your soulmate through-out your life.
Never Compare Your Romance to Any Others
No matter if you might be comparing your relationship to the actual relationships that other folks have (what they allow you to see of those relationships at any rate) or romances in stories or on television screens, you might be doing your romance an enormous disservice. Reality will never surpass fiction and you are only viewing the public aspect of other peoples relationships. You aren't privy to what's going on inside their relationship. Smart folks don't discuss everything that is happening in their relationships, it only brings about complications.
You Have to Create Sensible Expectations
The reality is that all of us have expectations of a life that rarely ever lives up to reality. On the subject of relationships, it's a joint venture. Learning how to negotiate and have needs which are more reasonable might make a big difference when it comes to how content that you are with your companion. Both of you have areas where there is room for improvement. Discover them and then make changes where you should.
Learn How to Speak Up When it is Important
The other problem pertaining to expectations comes up if you fail to speak up when something is really important to you. Your partner won't be able to provide what you need if they aren't aware of them. You need to speak up and let your companion fully understand what is happening in your thoughts as well as in your heart. You can't hold the other individual inside the romance responsible for something they aren't aware of. It's not at all fair to either of you or your partnership.
It doesn't seem to be such a problem at first glance. Nevertheless, altering your expectations just a little bit, in order to meet your companion in the middle, can make a whole world of difference to your own pleasure with the relationship together with your lover.
It's very important to have fair expectations when going into a romantic relationship. If you have expectations that absolutely no one could ever meet, and even worse, that you've kept all to yourself, well then, your heading for disaster. Developing a practical vision of what to expect from your relationship is vital. Pay a visit to:
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How To Hire A Private Chef

A private chef can be a godsend in any household, whether you have fussy eaters, children with specific dietary requirements or a job with long hours, a household chef can ensure that you and your family eat healthily and at a time to suit the busiest of schedules.
Even those who enjoy cooking can benefit from hiring a private chef as they can become inspired to try new techniques and cuisines, trialling new dishes out on the weekends when you have more time - a private chef can work around you.
When it comes to hiring a private household chef, the criteria is simple - a chef that works for you and your family's needs. So bear in mind these hints and tips when it comes to looking for your perfect chef - you might be surprised just how easy it can be to find a chef to match your tastes.

  • Where to start
The first thing anyone will tell you when it comes to hiring a private chef is to speak to a professional private staffing recruitment company. Such companies will not only source qualified and appropriate candidates for the position and your personal requirements, but they can also set up interviews and make the whole process a lot easier and smoother.
  • Discuss your tastes
The most important aspect of finding a private chef is making sure they can cater for your dietary needs and tastes. Ask for some sample menus and see what sort of things they are used to cooking. Whether it's high cuisine or more family-orientated meals, it is important to get the right chef for you.
  • Insurance matters
In the fast-paced, sometimes dangerous environment that is the kitchen it is important to make sure you aren't liable for any accidents that, however unlikely, could occur. So be sure to check that the chef in question has personal liability insurance.
  • Check their references
As accomplished and friendly as the candidate may seem, never assume they are the perfect fit for you and your family without checking their references. The more successful of household staffing recruitment agencies will check these before you even meet, but it is always a good idea to find out how their chef's previous employer felt about their cooking and professionalism.
If you bear these points in mind when choosing a private chef, you should end up with a perfect fit for your household and could be sitting back enjoying the most delicious, hand-prepared meals of your life in the comfort of your own home.
This article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Beauchamp Partners - a domestic staff agency that specialises in helping homes find the ideal private household staff they are looking for.
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